Hirschgarten Tour
Distance 38,7 km (24 miles)
Duration 03:45 h
Difficulty medium
From the Schlosspark Mauerbach onto the main road, turn right into Freidhofsweg and into the forest. You then continue along the Pitzelsdorfer Bach next to Tullner Straße. At the Sophienalpe take the Hainbach Weg and turn left at the V Krezung and continue enjoying the forest until you arrive at the Mauerbachstraße. This is then followed very briefly and at the ÖGV Wiental you turn in and follow the path to Hadersdorf. At Mauerbachstraße over the tracks and turn right. Next to the tracks then through Weidlingau and at the Christkindlwald back over the tracks back to Wintergasse. Turn right at Karlsgasse and return to the forest. Arrived at the Augustinerwald settlement, then left on the field paths over the Hahnbaumberg to the next intersection. Turn left at this and head towards Feldern-Rigoni-Siedlung. Cross Linzer Straße along Ferdinand-Ramler-Straße and turn right shortly after the Gablitzbach. Follow the Gablitzbach to the parking lot, turn left and cross the Höbersbach. There you meet the Gablitzbach again, follow it to Laabach. Here then turn right at the parking lot and drive onto Wiener Straße. Then back into the forest to the Teufelswiese and along the planet path over the Rauchbuchberg to the Passauerhof. Via Passauerhof and Hirschgarten back to Schlosspark Mauerbach.